If I Fall... Read online

Page 9

Matthew tilted his head ever so slightly to the side, his lips parted, and very slowly he leaned in closer. The anticipation of his kiss was killing and the interlude until his lips touched hers seemed eternal.

  “Stop,” she gasped, surprising even herself. His eyes snapped open in surprise. They stared at each other a moment−his expression somewhere between amusement and bewilderment. She blinked and ducked her chin.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered breathing hard. He waited.

  She couldn’t look at him, feeling she had destroyed the mood. No, she thought, it was JD, the project manager in her, who had destroyed the mood. JD, the project manager, was sitting there in the corner of her mind all smug and triumphant and looking like Gramps did when he knew he was right, and Julia, the young woman with hopes and dreams for a wonderful life with someone, was gasping in shock at having lost this important opportunity.

  Matthew’s hand touched her cheek. “No. Don’t be,” he said soothingly and kissed her forehead. Her heart lurched and her insides quivered.

  Breathe, she told herself.

  She kept her eyes down and whispered her confession, “I have never been kissed before. There, I said it. I’m such a nerd.” Flames of embarrassment heated her cheeks. She lifted her gaze to see his reaction, fearing he might laugh at her.

  Instead, a play of emotions swept over his face. Something in his eyes changed. His pupils shrank and for the briefest moment, Matthew seemed unsure−maybe scared, maybe put off. But then it was gone and with his dimpled grin and an easy shrug, he said, “Just relax. Let me show you.” All questions about feelings and true love started to dissipate as she was suddenly just interested in what the experience would be like for her, what it would feel like.

  Matthew placed his hands on either side of her face and slowly, gently, he drew her in, brushing her lips ever so softly with his. Her breath stopped. Intense, unfamiliar feelings surged through her body, starting in the lower area of her abdomen and bursting outward like a sparking firecracker. His kiss seemed to last a million years.

  Then it was over, too quickly and she was grasping for him. Matthew resisted as he drew her in against him, his thighs closing around her legs. Then he brushed his lips against hers again. Then, as if the intensity wasn’t overwhelming enough already, his mouth was on hers again and she felt his tongue glide across her lips. She thought her heart had stopped at that very moment. This would be the absolute best way to die, she thought helplessly.

  She felt like she wasn’t breathing and yet, miraculously she did not pass out. It seemed that her body knew what to do instinctively and she was kissing him back as if she had done this a hundred times before. Her ears were ringing and her toes tingling by the time Matthew pulled away, gasping.

  “Whoa there,” he said. “Not so fast.” He drew in a deep breath and looked at her suspiciously. She gazed at him innocently, touching her lips with her fingertips. She reached for him again, wanting to kiss him all over. He laughed and caught her hands in his, holding her still.

  “I think that’s enough,” he said with a serious look, but then he grinned. “For now.”

  She was buzzing from the kiss and the unfamiliar feelings that had flooded her body. Matthew hugged her tightly and whispered into her ear. “Thanks for the kiss, JD.”

  She closed her eyes, aching for more of his kisses, but resigned herself to wait for another time. Matthew mounted his motorcycle and pulled her over to climb on in front of him.

  “Shh,” he said, quieting her protests, “I’ll show you.” She could hear the smile in his voice as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her ear a few times, whispering ridiculous things to make her laugh.

  He placed her hands on the handles and showed her how to work the controls to get the grumbling machine between her thighs moving. Soon they were racing along the black road, the wind whipping her hair back. Matthew’s arms were tight around her. He nuzzled her neck. She felt like she was flying. No, not flying, this had to be better than flying, she decided.

  All too soon, they were at her apartment. Still seated on the motorcycle, Matthew helped her dismount, holding her hand like a gentleman would when leading a lady to the dance floor. JD gazed at him, remembering his kisses, and as if reading her thoughts, he leaned over and kissed her cheek, lingering for just a moment, before releasing her.

  “See you tomorrow, boss,” he said as he slid forward into the driver’s seat. Matthew kicked the motorcycle into gear and drove slowly away. Once he hit the pavement, he gunned it. JD smiled as she stared after him with her toes still tingling and lips still burning for more of his sweet, wonderful, and delicious kisses.


  “How many so far?” Roy asked as soon as Nathan got into the cruiser, dropping a large cinch top black bag in the back seat. The sun was casting its last few golden rays as it slid behind the distant grey-green hills.

  “Would you believe nine?” Nathan exhaled harshly. “I can’t believe how much attention Quabin’s prison relocation is getting. It’s like every Fallen in the State is heading this way.”

  “What’s in the bag?” Roy said as he eased the cruiser onto the pavement and headed back to Torrey.

  Nathan reached for the bag, yanked it open and withdrew a murky white crystal about the size of his fist and showed it to Roy, holding it up to the afternoon sunlight. Within the heart of the crystal, a dark shadow seemed to struggle.

  Roy glanced at it briefly, “What is that?”

  “Would you believe I caught a Fury?”

  “I’m not surprised,” Roy said evenly. “I imagine we’re going to start seeing a lot more of them soon. You boys best get that box moved as quickly as possible. I don’t need a war in my county.”

  “I know,” Nathan said, dropping the crystal back into the bag. “I just wish the Power would show up soon. It would save us a lot of hassle with that box.”

  Roy glanced at Nathan, “You and Matthew are the first Powers we’ve had in these parts in almost a hundred years.”

  “We’re not really Powers, Roy. Just substitutes till the real one gets here,” Nathan said. “I don’t know how you’ve handled the whole county by yourself for as long as you have.”

  “Easy,” Roy replied. “If it hadn’t been for LeRoy Parker who captured Quabin in the first place, it would have been much more difficult. Once that False god was imprisoned, it was just a matter of clean up. But now with the Box found, it’s going to be a lot harder. You should probably request reinforcements.”

  “Who is Leroy Parker? A relative?” Nathan looked at Roy.

  “My father,” Roy said with a touch of pride in his voice. “also known around these parts as Butch Cassidy.”

  “Butch Cassidy?” Nathan asked in disbelief, “How is that possible? He was gunned down in Bolivia.”

  “Almost,” Roy said, “My father said that as he lay there dying, the angel of death came to escort him to the other side, but offered him a deal instead. A second chance to make right all the wrong he had done. Redemption. He accepted. He became a Watcher and worked hard to set things right. He captured Quabin and earned his Redemption,” Roy explained and glanced at Nathan, “He was able to continue his journey through to the next life soon after.”

  “Ah. You’re older than I realized, Roy. But not as old as me.” Nathan grinned. “Is that how you’re a Nephilim? It’s because of Butch?”

  Roy stared straight ahead, “yup.” After a moment of silence, Nathan realized that Roy wasn’t going to divulge anything more about his parentage. “So, how did your old man capture Quabin?”

  “Quabin surrendered after a long fight.”

  “That must have been some fight. False Ones usually don’t give up, they just keep fighting or run away. It’s near impossible to conquer them. Only a Seraphim can take down a False One,” Nathan said.

  “You calling me a liar?” Roy said in a low tone.

  “No,” Nathan slowly. “Just, there’s got to be more to the story.”

�s all that my father ever shared,” Roy said as they came to a four-way stop. Even though there were no other cars in the intersection, Roy waited as if he was expecting something. After a couple of minutes, Nathan eyed Roy, “What are we waiting for?”

  Roy held up a finger for silence and narrowed his eyes as he scanned the road up and down before them. Several more minutes crawled by, and then like a bat out of hell, a motorcycle rocketed past.

  “Matthew,” they both said at once. Roy slammed on the accelerator as he flicked on the flashing lights and gave chase. Again.

  Chapter 15

  On Wednesday morning, when JD arrived at the site at 7:45 am, Matthew’s truck was in its customary parking place. The demolition crew was hauling out debris, tossing it into the dumpster at the edge of the property, but Matthew was nowhere to be seen as she made her way to her office trailer.

  Where is he?

  When she had gotten herself a cup of coffee, she went back outside and stood next to the corner of her office trailer to take in the morning air as she sipped her cup of coffee. She had overslept and didn’t have time to running that morning. Her body and her brain felt sluggish because of the restless night she had suffered. One part of her writhed in guilt and regret for letting herself get too cozy with him the other night, but the other part of her ached to see him again. When she saw Matthew emerge from the schoolhouse, her heart skipped a beat, and all else faded into the background.

  He saw her and smiled coyly, rubbing a hand over his mouth to hide the smile they shared when a crew member stopped him to ask a question. A moment later, when the other man had disappeared into the schoolhouse, Matthew sauntered over to JD.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” he said quietly when he got close enough for her to hear him, but to any outside observer, he was just walking past.

  He glanced over his shoulder as he strode past and touched the back of her hand with his fingertips, pausing just a moment to say, “How about I make you some more coffee?” When she didn’t resist, he took her coffee cup, then led the way into her office, holding the door open for her. Once inside, he closed the door firmly, set the mug on her desk and drew her in with one fluid motion and kissed her passionately.

  JD flung her arms around his neck and kissed him back, the ache inside her somewhat mollified. Matthew eased her back against the wall, running his hands down her sides, and then, gripping her waist, pulled her firmly against him. JD’s fingers slid through his hair, upsetting his hat, and knocking it from his head. Matthew trailed kisses up and down her neck as she tried to stifle the moans that wanted to escape her throat.

  The sound of a truck pulling into the parking lot rudely interrupted and brought them both back to reality. JD jerked back with her hands over her mouth. She wasn’t expecting anyone and for all she knew, it was the inspector again. Or worse - Mr. Blackwell! Matthew took his cue, stepped back, swept up his hat from the floor and casually went to the door, snatching a donut on the way. Once outside, JD heard him greet whoever was approaching the door.

  JD quickly wiped the corners of her mouth, but without a mirror, she wasn’t sure where on her face her lipstick had migrated to with Matthew’s help. She slid into her seat, flipped open her laptop, and reached for her coffee, trying to appear calm and normal as she waited for the visitor to enter her office. She waited a few moments, but the mysterious visitor did not arrive. JD twisted in her seat to look out the window, hoping to catch a glance of the newcomer. She saw the backside of Mr. Blackwell before he disappeared into the gloom of the schoolhouse.

  She nearly choked and sloshed her coffee across her hand in her hurry to set the mug down on her desk so she could run after him. He wasn’t wearing a hardhat and Matthew’s crew was working on removing the filthy, decayed wooden floor boards from the second floor. JD nearly collided into Mr. Blackwell as he backtracked in a hurry to escape the dust and debris that filled the interior.

  Waving his hand in front of his face to clear away the dust, Mr. Blackwell coughed and rubbed at his nose. He peered at her over the top of his sunglasses and grumbled, “Who is doing demo?”

  “Matthew Rigo,” she responded promptly. Mr. Blackwell’s eyes narrowed as he thought about that for a moment. “Don’t know him. Check his references?”

  “Of course,” she replied tersely. Something inside came crashing down and dust erupted from the doorway. They both hurried away from the door.

  “When will he be finished?”

  “Next Friday.”

  “I thought the contract stated eight days,” he challenged.

  JD bit the inside of her lip. Leave it to an overly attentive client to give her an ulcer. She wondered if all the signed contracts she had sent to the office were being copied and sent on to Mr. Blackwell. She would have to check with Missy, who would normally inform her about things like this as this wasn’t normal protocol. Would he have still wanted copies of all her contracts with the contractors had she been a man? She thought not. JD smiled tightly at him.

  Feeling defensive and unsure of herself, a lie bubbled up and crossed her lips. “The second floor is unstable and Matthew wanted to be extra careful is all.” Sounded perfectly legitimate, but she didn’t think Mr. Blackwell bought it. He looked at her as if the harder he stared at her, the more likely it would be that truth would be expelled. She stared right back at him without a flinch.

  Finally, he broke eye contact and strode determinedly to the trailer. He poked his head inside. She half expected him to go rifling through her files himself to find the truth, but he would only find the same thing he already had in his possession−an amended contract stating what she had just told him. Matthew had suggested that she not mention the box in the amendment, in case something horrible happened to it while he was trying to remove it. “Best,” he said, “to surprise them later with it if it survives the demo than to let them know about it beforehand and have it fall apart,” Matthew’s reasoning sounded completely logical to her at the time.

  Mr. Blackwell didn’t go inside her trailer. He turned away, and without another word or even a glance, he got in his truck and drove away. JD watched him drive away as his tires kicked up dust and gravel. The dust swirled around her settling on her face already shiny with sweat from the dry heat.

  Nothing she did would ever impress that man. She knew she was super organized, efficient, and competent as a project manager−probably more so than most of her male counterparts, but it didn’t seem to be enough for Mr. Blackwell. She was a woman and he was going to try to find something wrong with the way she worked, just to get her removed from the project and force Rick to replace her with Joe or Andrew, the other project managers back at the office in California. And then a terrible thought occurred to her. If Mr. Blackwell was so determined to get her replaced, he’d have no further to look than the schoolhouse itself and that excuse was inside right now, demolishing the place.

  “Stupid,” she muttered, berating herself.

  Defeat began to pool inside her, bubbling up to wet her eyes, but before she could entertain the idea of a mini pity-party, another truck−a small, dark-brown older model with red and white racing stripes, pulled into the lot and parked in the designated Visitor stall, a detail Mr. Blackwell had completely ignored.

  Stepping out of the cab, a short, pudgy man waddled toward her with a clipboard in hand. Small, round-framed glasses were perched on his thin nose, which was set in a reddish round face with short, light blond hair. His eyes were smallish which gave JD the impression of a rat. He hesitated before approaching her, as if he wasn’t expecting to see a woman here.

  “Are you JD Halstead?” he asked in a voice pitched higher than she would have expected coming from a man.

  Her first guess was that this fellow had to be a salesman and since she was feeling quite irritated with Mr. Blackwell, she had no patience for a sales pitch.

  “I’m JD. Can I help you?” She said in her most impatient, hurry-up-and-get-out-of-my-sight-you-irritant voice. The man obviousl
y heard the bite in her tone, because his response was guarded.

  “I’m Gerald Franklin,” he said and then paused as if waiting for a reaction from her, but since she didn’t recognize the name, she just stared at him with impatience. “I’m the building inspector for Wayne County,” he finally continued. He gripped his clipboard with one hand and extended the other, while trying to look down his nose at her, even though she was a good four inches taller. Immediately she saw that he was wearing an official ID card on a lanyard around his neck. She felt the blood drain from her face and she stopped breathing for a moment.

  JD sucked in a deep breath and forced a wide smile across her face. “Oh, Mr. Franklin, it’s so nice to meet you,” she gushed. She reached out and gripped his hand. It was like holding a limp, cold, slimy fish. She shuddered inside.

  Gerald smiled, his teeth yellowed and wide. “I just need to check your permits, make sure everything is in order,” he said importantly and sniffed. She blinked stupidly at him, forgetting everything she had prepared for this meeting because she thought she had already had this meeting. Her mind kept flashing back to Nathan Parker, wondering why the county had sent out two inspectors. Were they bored? Were they worried because the project had a female manager? All these questions whirled about in her mind and all she could think to do was to obey Gerald’s request without question. Rick’s warning about the power of the building inspector and their ability to shut a project down if displeased with any small thing came back to her.

  “Sure,” she stammered and made an about face and walked briskly back to her office, trembling. Gerald followed her into her office trailer, glancing about. He scrawled something across the papers clipped to his wooden clipboard. She burned to know what it was he was writing down and hoped it was favorable. JD found the file Rick had given her at their first meeting. With trembling limbs, JD placed it into Gerald’s waiting hand. As far as she knew, everything was there, from the building permit, to the workman’s compensation documents, and certificates of insurance. It was several, long moments of anxiety-fueled self-doubt before Gerald responded crisply, “Looks like everything is in order.”